Kenton and I were sitting and reading on the beach with Rosie in front of Dad and Pam's lovely home in Baja. Their house is right behind us. I asked them the same thing you would have, "You couldn't get something a little closer to the water?" Rosie looks well and loves the sand and the sea! When we arrived, there was a rabbit running on the road behind their house right in front of the truck. She went under their back fence and sat in their side yard until Rosie spotted her. Was that you she chased so happily? We believe it was. When we left at 5:00 AM, there she was again on the darkened side of the road as if to say farewell.
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I put the proverbial "message in a bottle" for you and Dad and Pam will send it out in the Sea of Cortez. You loved the water when you were little, not so much when you got older. I hope you are traveling to all the places you ever dreamed of and more and finding the peace there that you couldn't find here.
Dad saw the same beautiful angel cloud in Baja that Chana and I saw on the playground. We have no doubt who it was. A painting waiting.
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