Barbie Encounter #1:
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"My First Barbie" circa 1980 |
You had just turned three and we were in the doll aisle at Toys-R-Us. A lady asked your opinion about the type of Barbie she should get for her granddaughter who was about your age. Of course, people began to gather as you spoke like an authority with the vocabulary and confidence of an adult, albeit it in that little confidential, whispery, cartoony voice we so loved.
You explained that "My First Barbie" would be a good choice as they had "simple clothing with easy snaps for tiny fingers and there were many different hair colors". You told her that you, however, liked the other ones because you had mastered buttons and shoes because you were an expert. She smiled and thanked you and chose the blond "My First Barbie". You looked at me and said, "She made a good choice!" Everyone was smiling and laughing but then, just as she began to walk away, you shouted in true Kenna volume style, "Oh, by the way, be sure to tell your granddaughter that real women aren't built like that!" People literally bent over, kneeling in the aisle as you grabbed my hand to head off to the Legos.
Barbie Encounter #2:
Recently, I found the red, white and blue clad Barbie in your hope chest. When we first saw this "Barbie for President" doll in 1992, you merely asked,"Why doesn't it just say President Barbie?" Period.
And even now, twenty years later, we are still left with this recent announcement that shows we have not come so far in the presidential field, "The “I Can Be … 2012 President Barbie doll will be available for pre-order beginning April 5 at and at retail stores in August." Arrggghhhhh!
Barbie Encounter #3:
When Chana and I made the boy's t-shirt quilts this year, you had a Barbie shirt that proclaimed in gold lettering, "What a Doll!" on the front and "Barbie" on the back. Half went on Kenton's quilt and half went on Kameron's. Both were amused that she was represented!
Barbie Encounter #4:
I know it may seem silly at this point, but I bought you the World of Culture Museum Collection Leonardo DaVinci Barbie doll this Christmas because it looks like the painting Kenton and I are doing of you right down to the sly half smile on her beautiful face.
Barbie Encounter #5:
I recently found the last Barbie I ever received. It was from you, of course. It's the Beatrix Potter Tale of Peter Rabbit doll. I know you got it for me because we shared a love of her personal story and her stories! I'm not a doll collector but it appears that I now have my own Barbie collection that just keeps growing with these appearances. I love that you knew I would like this connection to literature. Thank you, my sweet girl.