Saturday, April 27, 2013

I know we have the most wonderful friends and they support us in so many ways, but today they all went the extra mile (pun intended!) to help us on this journey. K.C. started Team Kenna Lindsay for the National Association of Mental Illness "NAMI Walk" to honor you. What an awesome tribute. We walked to bring awareness to this issue that affects every family everyday.
It was a perfectly beautiful, sunny, soft breezy day to walk together in the park. And at the conclusion, without asking, our friends said they will be back next year. I couldn't speak. Even now when I write those words, it makes me teary.
Your aunt Chebyl came and next year she's bringing her dogs! The Charlie's Angels girls and school friends came; Debi, Robin, Vickie, Pat, Lynn, Jennie and her daughter and husband! Karin and her girls came even after Paige broke her foot just the day before and her mom and your brother took turns pulling her in the wagon. Violet built a beautiful Fairy Garden in the park. Kenton and Jenna and Kameron and K.C. and Mina and Mama represented you with love and a little limping!
So many others walked with us in spirit and donated to the cause. K.C. raised over $1,200.00 in your name! Blessings come in all forms. You will never be forgotten, Kenna Lindsay.
                                                    Team Kenna Lindsay April 27, 2013